Monday, September 30, 2024

EU vs Hungary, and some others...


Hungary and the European Union seem to be on a collision course.

 Hungary refuses to abide by EU "rules" on letting in illegal immigrants.

Listen to that again: Hungary refused to let in illegal immigrants.

Hungary regards them as a security threat the the EU is fining Hungary one million euros a day until they led in illegal immigrants.  Hungary, meanwhile, is sending migrants in a bus to Brussels.  Brussels is not happy.

Meanwhile the Netherlands is asking to opt out of EU immigration rules.  And powerhouse Germany has reinstated border controls.  The EU openborder policy seems to be failing as well.

You have heard me say it before.  The EU should have remained the Common Market.  The "European superstate" thing is not going to work.  Now it tries to exercise dictatorial  powers against its own members since they won't agree to work against their own interests.

The number of terrorist attacks in Europe due to "migrants" should be a warning to every member of the European Union and the EU itself.

Watch from European nations to follow Britain's 2016 example. 

Hopefully, they do it right!

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Doesn't understand economics...or anything else


Price controls?

Anyone with a rudimentary understanding of economics or history knows price controls don't work.

In order to get control of inflation that the Biden-Harris administration has caused printing money to cover runaway government spending, the Cackler said she wanted to impose price controls on groceries.  

Aside from the fact it is unAmerican, it won't work.

I guess this proposal appeals to her desire to control everything and it stems from the fact she has never had a real job.  Or has an understanding of economics.  Or anything any thing else. 

I decide how much to charge for something.  Not the government.  The LAST thing anyone wants to do is raise prices.  Sometimes, you have to in order to cover expenses.  Kamala does not understand this.

Is corporate greed behind price-gauging.  Certainly, but markets and customers have a tendency to handle that. Not perfect, but if you lead free enterprise capitalism alone, it can take care of itself.

Price controls lead to shortages as companies cannot cover expenses by raising (or lowering) prices.  Tell the government to cut expenses and not print money and amazing how things solve themselves!

Diocletian tried to impose price controls and everyone ran out of everything,  In recent history, Presidents Truman and Nixon did the same with the prices of meat and soon meat vanished off the shelves as producers did not bother to produce since they could not make a profit.

The Soviet Union had price controls and a centrally planned economy. 

How did that work out?

If Kamala was any dumber, she might be stupid.

Sometimes I wonder if our entire society is too stupid to survive.

If so, it was fun while it lasted!

Monday, August 19, 2024

Let The Games Begin!


The Democratic National Convention has begun in Chicago and protestors/rioters have all ready broken through the fences and are fighting with the Chicago PD. 

The deposed Grand Pooba Biden will give the opening speech and leave sullenly for DC or Delaware.  Cackling Goofall Kamala Harris might say something and everyone will wish that she would shut up.

Fourteen million Democratic primary voters will have their ballots thrown out and the "Defenders of Democracy" will pick their own candidate. 

If you are stupid enough to vote for Kamala Harris, you deserve what you get.

In the meantime, enjoy the riots and take bets about how many shops get looted and how long it takes the Cook County DA to let "arrested" rioters go.

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Idiot Of The Year


Wide spread riots broke out over Britain after an alleged immigrant (turns out to be a native-born son of Rwandan immigrants) allegedly stabbed three little girls to death at a Taylor Swift-themed dance event.

Riots are not the way to go, but it seems the frustration with the British government's incompetency in handing immigration boiled over and off they went!

Prime Minister Starmer was shouting about "right wing thuggery" instead of trying to calm the situation and became upset when it was pointed out that the places the riots were occuring were places that had voted for his Labour Party.  Meanwhile, Muslim demonstrators threatening people were marching through Birmingham, England the the police were no where to be seen!

It's called "two tier policing" and there is not justification for it.  Equal before the law or just chuck in it out the window.

Then, the idiocy/fascism continued when UK Police Commissioner Mark Rowley announced that social media posts supporting protest or deemed insulting to immigrants (many illegal) would be punished.  Then this Gestapo wannabe said even US posts were subject to this (unratified) law and they would "be coming after you."

Did you not try that in 1776?

Rowley needs to shut up and stop sounding like an idiot.  You need to remember your job and calm the situation, not attempt and fail to stifle freedom of speech.

The British Empire is dead, Rowely, and it is not coming back.

Meanwhile, you are welcome for the First World War, Second World War, and the Cold War.  

As we say on this sided of the Pond, stay in your own lane.

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Party like its 1968!


In January of 1968, then President Lyndon B Johnson announced he was not running for re-election. Clearly, he was burned out by the Vietnam War.  That led to a scramble in the Democratic Party for a new candidate.  They eventually selected Hubert Humphrey of Minnesota in a Chicago convention that was chaotic and near riots outside the convention hall every day.  Humphry would go on to be destroyed by Richard Nixon in the election.

In 2024, Joe Biden, after a disastrous debate performance that bordered on elder abuse, announced he was not going to run in the 2024 election.  Some also allege that the Democratic Party leadership forced his out, but the point is that the current occupant of the Oval Office, in both 1968 and 2024, was not running for re-election. 

In 1968 and 2024, the Republican candidates, Richard Nixon and Donald Trump were "comeback kids" of sorts.  Nixon had lost a contentious election in 1960 and was back.  Trump had been in an election with many irregularities in 2020, and he is back, having also survived an assassination attempt!

Continuing the parallels, is the fact the Democratic Convention is in Chicago in 2024.  

And the protesters are coming!

Bonus info: The Democratic Convention of 1924, also chaotic, was in Chicago.

Each convention was chaotic and each led to a Democratic loss.

Since Kamala Harris did not run in any primary, this is hardly "democratic".  

The Democratic voters elected--for better or worse--Joe Biden.  There is time for primaries even if it is a bit rushed.  If this had happened three days before the convention or election, then fine.  Not perfect, but orderly at least.  Now, it seems the "Party of the People" has invalidated the votes of its own members.

Things called "democratic"--Democratic People Republic of Korea (North Korea) and German Democratic Republic (East Germany) usually are not.  

Is the Democratic (?) Party in America on that list too now?

If History does not repeat, it certainly rhymes!