Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!


Jesus died for you sins so say "Thank you!"

Nothing wrong with the Easter Bunny either....

Saturday, April 16, 2011


A massive storm front rolled through the southeast quadrant of the country today and muscled its way up the East Coast, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake across Central and Eastern NC. Unfortunately, some people lost their lives but it could have been worse. We lost power for an hour but there were other parts of the city that suffered a direct hit from tornados and entire neighborhoods were destroyed. It was a pretty bad day but it also gives you an opportunity to be thankful.

The city of Sanford, NC, site of my first radio job, due north was hit pretty bad and our immediate south was hammered too but it seems everyone there is more or less OK.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Marching forward

Copyright, NHL

Coming down the final stretch in coursework. Two papers left to write and then the final exams...In three weeks, I will only have to do the thesis. It is not going to be easy but it certainly is not it only lasts so long!

Romans and Redcoats plus an exam in reading Spanish before a well deserved break!

A good place to draw inspiration--the Pittsburgh Penguins.

They have been without Sidney Crosby since January and they have accelerated to the the near top of the standings. A couple of breaks and they could have passed Philly for the division title (why is Pittsburgh in the Atlantic Division?) but in the NHL, it does not matter. Once you are in the playoffs, you are in!

A lot of people wrote them off after Crosby's concussion and the Penguins even lost their #2 guy Evengi Malkin to an ACL injury. They shrugged it off, called up a lot of guys from the minors no one had heard of and went on a rampage.

If you're feeling overwhelmed, remember, "Pittsburgh Penguins 2011" Maybe they win the Cup, maybe not but they got further than anyone thought they could and they are not done yet.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Going south for the day...

Today Michelle took her nursing test and passed with flying there was any doubt. She had to take the test down I-95 in Lumberton, NC. I have always called everything to our immediate south "The Pictish Wilderness". The people are nice but I always see something bizarre when I follow a compass heading of I hung out at a Hardee's reading Tacitus' Agricola for an hour while Michelle blasted through the written part of her test. I saw about a hundred high school kids on their way to a horse race dressed in loud colorful pants and bowties.

I did not wake up that morning expecting to see that....

I made my way into downtown Lumberton looking at the Cold War style architecture wondering if it was actually Depression-era architecture. This car (late 90s vintage) cruises by with some old man waving at anyone he sees. Then I witnessed a police car start travelling the wrong way down a one way street. He realized his mistake, hit the lights and backed up...very strange sight.

What is it about downtown streets in every city? Lots of one way streets that confuse everyone.

I went back to the place Michelle was taking her test and hung around on the bottom floor with my pal Tacitus.

Like I said, Michelle passed with no problem.

I knew she would.

It was after all, April 2, the anniversary of me giving her ring at Heinz Field.

Plus she studied......