Thursday, September 27, 2012

Our Anniversary!

September 27, 2008--Michelle and I were married!  Time for pizza, muffins, and fish sticks! :-P

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Middle East in chaos...again

The Middle East is in chaos....big surprise....Yes, that was sarcastic. Not only is the Middle East in chaos but so is Greece, soon to be followed by Italy and Spain, Moslem communities in Western Europe, and even on the east side of India all the way to Indonesia and the Philippines.

US foreign policy again acts in its usual limp wristed way after the profane murder of the ambassador to Libya. Meanwhile, US soldiers have been shot at, and shot back at, their alleged Afghan allies, Iraq had done nothing to stop Iranian overflights to Syria, and the Arab Spring has degenerated into attacks on Americans, prompting the evacuation of diplomatic personnel from many of the regions countries.

In other words, America is running away.

All this will do is embolden the enemy, Some say we should not be there in the first place.  They might be right.  So, why do we continue to send foreign aid to those countries that clearly hate us? Especially when there are so many people here at home who need help.

If we are going to leave, then turn the aircraft carrier battlegroups and Tomahawk missiles loose and give them a reason hate us.  It is better to be feared than held in contempt.

Have you seen any Chinese embassies attacked?

Or Russian?

Those countries have a history of hitting back at terrorists.  No terrorists are going after Russian and Chinese targets and only terrorists with a death wish will shoot at the Israelis.

Let them hate, so long as they fear...

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Monday, September 10, 2012

9/11 Memorial

September 11, 2001 was an event no one on this entire planet is going to forget.  The memorial on site is grand and solemn and dignified but some feel it may be too much.  Might it be more fitting to have a green patch with trees along with a granite plaque of the victims names?  Perhaps a piece of quiet and peace in the middle of the world's busiest city instead of a $700 million dollar "complex"?

These are some questions that have been raised. How you feel is, of course, up to you.

I have the story from for your consideration:

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Stupid Human Tricks

If you want to see people acting like complete idiots, check out either, or both, the Republican and Democratic National Conventions.  Watch a couple of minutes and stomach a speech or two and you come to one conclusion:  Aliens not only will not make contact with us but absolutely refuse to do so.  I would not be surprised to learn that this planet is under some sort of extra-terrestial quarantine.

I saw a little bit of the both and concluded it was a waste of time.  The DNC is about three hours away in Charlotte, NC so that catches a little more of the local coverage and I found it ironic that the Democrats decry "corporate greed" (rightfully so...) but had planned on having their candidate's nomination in Bank of America Stadium.  In fact, having their convention in Wall Street South seems a little hypocritical. 

On the other side, Mitt Romney is shouting about "fair share" of taxes when he is clearly a creature of Wall Street.

It would be great to see George Washington or Teddy Roosevelt return but it does not look like that is happening this time around.

Sometimes you feel like you should flip a coin in the voting booth. When you look at an out of control government spending money like a fleet of drunken sailors, crippling unemployment, constant trial ballons about higher taxes, and increasing poverty, it is clearly time to change course.

Unfortunately, voting for the other guy has the same feel you have when you throw a Hail Mary pass....