Sunday, April 28, 2013

Looking at Syria...

If the US wants some advice on Syria, here is some---Don't.

Don't get involved, don't intervene, don't even comment on it.

Let events in Syria run its course.

No need to re-experience Libya where we arm and intervene on the side of "rebels" who later turn around and attack us.

The problem with Middle Eastern revolutions is that they are often not revolutions at all. Too often the "revolutionaries" are often indistinguishable from the people they overthrew.....can you say "Egypt"?  Middle Eastern "revolutions" are often battles between armed bands of psychotics.

Senator Lindsey Graham (or is it Graham Lindsey?) wants the US to launch cruise missiles at Syrian military emplacements or even launch air raids.  Naturally, this is the first step toward getting mixed up in another Middle Eastern we have not seen enough of that (Afghanistan 2001,  Iraq 2003) not to mention the ongoing, never ending "crisis" with Iran that has been going on since at least 2005.

The Israelis should not open fire on the border either.  Remember the miscalculation Saddam Hussein made in 1980 thinking he could defeat Iran when it was in the middle of the Islamic Revolution.  An Israeli attack will unite all of the Syrian factions and push the country towards Iran.  The nightmare of an Iran with influence extending to the Med is a nightmare no one wants to see either. It might be the Persian Empire reborn and while many say intervention will prevent this from happening, it seems more like it would,

The Middle East has been in chaos since 3500 BC if not longer.  We are not going to change that.  Keeping it contained is one thing.  Wading in is nothing anyone sane wants to do....except maybe Haliburton.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Boston Marathon Bombing

Some sick mind conceived of a plan to detonate two bombs at the Boston Marathon yesterday and even worse, carried it out, killing at least three people and wounding hundreds more.  Making the story worse is that two more bombs were discovered.  Fortunately, they were disarmed.

There is a lot of speculation as to who is behind this.  Islamic terrorists, right-wing or left-wing extremists, or even a false flag operation have been mentioned but it does not matter.  People are hurt and need help. 

Internal bickering also does not help.  All that does is make the situation even worse.

Prayers for Boston and do what you can to help.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Yellow Storm!

Now that Spring finally arrived, the pollen has come with it.  Lots of it!  It is not quite Yellow Storm of 2007 but it is pretty bad.  Luckily I don't have any allergies but I see lots of people coughing and hacking and tossing yellow wipies around. 

Ever hear of a trashcan?!

Well, they are suffering so let's give them a break.

I am still not touching that thing on the ground though

Forutunately it is raining pretty hard at the moment so most of it get washed away---for about a day.

Oh, least the flowers will be in full bloom!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Engagement Anniversary

April 2 is always a big day on the Haas calender...Back in 2007, I gave Michelle her ring in front of Heinz Field!