Saturday, February 22, 2014

FCC decides not to become KGB...

Ajit Pai should get a medal.
Federal Communications Commissioner member Ajit Pai came out against the President who appointed him to decry a White House plan to place "researchers" in newsrooms throughout America.  The plan had an Orwellian feel to it and looked a lot like the IRS scandal.  I have a link here to the story for your consideration.  The whole "Hope and Change" stuff is starting to smell worse than a backed up sewer.  Everyone is starting to tune out the idiots in the White House.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

NC thaws out

The Snow Demons returned for the second time in three weeks and wreaked a lot of havoc!  Civilization as we know it was shut down for four days but it was still a lot of fun.  It was pretty good snow, good enough to make snowballs.  It was not the usual icy stuff but it was a little tricky driving at night.

For the most part, NCDOT did a pretty good job but it is time to get back into the usual swing of things.

Even Michelle was getting tired of it and she said, "The snow was fun while it lasted!"

Time to go back to work :-P

Friday, February 7, 2014

Foot In Mouth Award...

Victoria Nuland, Assistant SecState for European and Eurasian Affairs, was caught in a phone call saying "F*c& the EU".  She is all ready in hot water over Benghazi so our idiot government promoted her, sent her to the Ukraine to stick her nose in that mess and she embarrasses the country.

If there is one thing you learn from the NSA scandal, it is to assume that when your are overseas, and especially when the RUSSIANS are involved, your comms will be bugged.

Our foreign policy is a complete joke.

The world loves Americans but hates the US government.

Now, you know why.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Snow in NC!

Winter hit North Carolina with a vengeance and I had to remember how I handled even worse conditions in Pittsburgh and Canada.  We figured it out and went on our merry way.  Of course, my running schedule was shot to the moon and back!

There were some foul ups, bleeps, and blunders but nothing as bad as Atlanta and New York.

New York?

Yes, New York.

For some reason, the city of New York can never seen to get the streets cleaned after a blizzard.  If it isn't some city worker smashing into cars with a grader or just not getting to the entire Upper East Side,it is something else.  Atlanta can fall back on the tired excuse of "we are not used to this weather" but New York has a lot more experience.  Atlanta had horrible organization but then so did New York.

This is what happens when you put bureaucrats in charge of things....

Maybe some bureaucrats.  North Carolina Deptartment of Transportation had a bunch of trucks and salt ready to roll and most of the roads were clear.  Some of the outlying ones were a little treacherous but NCDOT was working around the clock.

So why did Atlanta and New York drop the ball?

"Remote, out of touch bureaucrats" seems like a pretty good answer.  Instead of calling in sick, could they have not shoveled some snow for a half hour or so.  Many hands make light work.  Every little bit counts and all that.  That would entail actually getting up to do something important and meaningful than shuffling papers and writing regualtions that they themsevlves don't understand.

Hopefully, they don't screw up the Super Bowl.