Sunday, July 26, 2015

ALL Lives Matter!

People helping people...let's see more of this
I have no idea who I am voting for in the 2016 presidential election, but I can tell you it won't be that O'Malley goofball from Maryland.

He was at a "Black Live Matter" event and when he said "All lives matter", he was booed.


For saying he felt all life--regardless of race, color, or creed--matters?

Then the idiot apologizes.  Great moral leadership there.


Anyone who thinks otherwise--including the idiots booing O'Malley--are racist scum.  Look at the picture above.  A black cop is helping a neo-Nazi recover from heat exhaustion.  There is a good example to follow.

Try hashtaging something positive for once!

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

The EuroZone and Greece

First of all, the Greeks did it to themselves.

Second of all, the European creditors made it worse--much worse.

How many times did we see something like "stocks soar on Greek debt solution"?  Everyone knew nothing was solved.  It was just a band aid.  Still, the bankers had no problem sending tax payer money to a country that was broke so they could make money off of it. They were enablers and they they dared to make the last bailout sound like an ultimatum.

They ordered Greece to cut pensions and raise taxes. Greece decided to hold a referemdum because they, like the rest of the European Union, is a democracy.

The creditors, living in allegedly democratic countries, got mad.

Greece got mad too and voted NO.

Now the EuroZone might fall apart.  The European Union has been trending away from democracy and more toward autocracy and no one seems too happy.  If Greece is this big of a problem, then imagine what is going to happen when Spain or Italy start to go under.

The European Union might be better off without Greece and the Greeks might be better off without the European Union.  The arrogance shown by Brussels in presuming that the EU is unbreakable, infallable and all-knowing is its undoing.  Some humility and accountablility is in order for both Brussels and Athens.

In the meantime, get the drachmas ready.  Greece has five days to come up with a plan.

Let's see if "stocks soar" on Monday.