Thursday, December 31, 2015

Happy 2016!

I had a great Wasted Week and am getting ready for 2016

Oh yeah,

I FINALLY finished Ares Unleashed!

More on that later!  Don't drink and drive and enjoy New Year's!

Friday, December 25, 2015

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Proto-Nazis....Please Grow Up....

I have been watching the footage of alleged "protesters" at various universities, especially Yale, and I have reached one conclusion:

They are idiots.
Love it or leave it!
Yale, which is allegedly an Ivy League school, saw its students circulae a petition to repeal the First Amendment.  If you don't agree with them, you are insulted and shouted at and called "Nazi" or "racist." 

Look in a mirror, Yale students

One student, from a privledged family, who lives in a dorm nicer than most houses, shouted at a proffessor, using the "F bomb", made a complete idiot out of herself.  They attempt to intimidate and scare people instead of using reasoned arguments.  They are intolerant of anyone who disagrees with any single part of any of their group thoughts and immediately try to use wolfpack shouting strategies.

Fine, bring it on.

I went to the Citadel and went through more than they could ever dream of and fought--literally with my fists--real neo-Nazis.  If I ever go to one of those "safe spaces", I will shout stuff like "Long live democracy!" and "I love God!" or "All lives matter!" or something even more psychotic. 

If you don't like it, don't listen.  Start shouting and I will laugh in your face.  Put your hand on me...well, don't....not a good idea. Not to worry.  They won't.  They are cowards.

A friend of mine asked if this was a rerun of 1960s protests.  I said, "No, its not."  In the 60s, demented though they were, at least they had an idea they were genuinely against: Vietnam.  They may have been right.

The 2015 version is made up of spoiled morons who have never worked for anything, see imaginary slights, and are doomed to swept into the dustbin of history like Nazis and Communists.  Political Correctness will end up there too.

Along with these alleged "student protesters"

Protest rising tuition, PhDs working full-time but getting part-time pay, quantitative easing, any number of things.  Just find something real to protest if you want to effect real change.

 And grow up.

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Please just be quiet and lead from behind....

Everytime he says something, it goes haywire.

Please just zip it!

Just before the horrifying attacks in Paris, he chided his critics not wanting potential terrorists posing as Syrian refugees coming into the country as being afraid of widows and orpahans.

Then Paris happened.

Then after tragedy in San Bernidino, he starts spouting off about "gun control."  It turn out that instead of "workplace violence", it was an Islamic terrorist attack.  Furthermore, after that Bundy Ranch standoff last year, it seems no one wants the US government to be the only ones with guns.

Please, Mr President,  just go someplace and be quiet.

Suddenly "leading from behind" sounds like a great idea.