Sunday, July 24, 2016

Convinced yet?

Wikileaks--by way of Guciffer 2.0--found 20,000 (!) emails detailing the degree of complicity that the Democratic National Committee had in rigging the primaries for Hillary Clinton.  As if superdelagates were not enough to push her over the top and the horrible corruption that is eating both parties alive and, by extension, the country.

Here is the story for your consideration:

Sunday, July 10, 2016

A country running in the wrong direction

The day after the 4th of July, we saw the FBI essentially abdicate its responsibilities and betray its own ideals, then we see cops involved in urban combat in Dallas, and then--the ultimate betrayal of the Hippocratic  Oath--almost 2500 (!) doctors in America are being investigated for taking advantage of their patients.

America has become a nation of grinding anger, viciousness, violence and utter hopelessness.  Like I said in my previous post, the institutions are in disarray, trust does not seem to exists and I am  not even sure if we live in a democracy anymore.  I feel like a total idiot when I extol the virtues of democracy in the US History classes I teach.

What happened?

There are divisions in society that are not just racial and it goes even beyond socio-economic.  Those divisions have become faultlines.  The so-called "elites" are basically idiots and the laws of the nation are essentially ignored or interpreted by people in positions of trust in ways that benefit them and them only.

And you want to know why Trump gets the attention and votes......

Back in 1998, after Bill Clinton's "I did not have sexual realtions wtih that woman" lie that was the dictionary definition of perjury, I saw idiot pundits write that the republic still stood.  Now, they are wondering, after another Clinton legal misadventure, who Trump, with his course speech and rhetoric, is doing so well in the polls.

Simple....the Clintons created Trump.

But lets look at American society in general.

Anger, road rage, constant idiocy in government and business.

This stuff spread.  You give me this "law and order" speech and we see sanctuary cities violate federal immigration law with no repercussions.  We see people punished for violating un-American practice of Political Correctness (ie Nazism) even though the First Amendment protects unpopular (and sometimes stupid) speech.  For some reason, liberals hate the Second Amendment and want to confiscate guns as they hide behind security details. We see the Fed hand out free money to banks to inflate the stock market and gas stations raise fuel prices on a whim (not that much lately...lots of angry customers shouting at gas stations lately...)

It looks like the Roman Empire in the late fifth century.

Use history as a guide and turn around, America!

WE are better than this.

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Where do they find these people?

What is it with the Attorney General's office?  They tend to find the oddest, weirdest, and most utterly incompetent people you can find.  I wrote on this before and it does not seem to have changed.  There was Janet Reno, who clearly was a terrible AG.  Then we had Ashcroft trying to sing on TV.  Alberto Gonzales seemed reasonably competent,so naturally, he left.  In comes Eric Holder, who seemed to say the wrong thing at, well every chance he had.  Now we have Lorretta Lynch who may or may not indite Hillary Clinton for breaking a ton of security laws (I have not even gotten to Benghazi...) and ends up publicly meeting Clinton's husband Bill at the airport.

No, that does not cast any suspicious light on anything...

Oddly enough, it is not fair to Hillary Clinton.

The longer this email probe lasts, the more idiotic this election looks, not that it needs anymore help in that department.

The institutions are in disarray. They did it to themselves.  Get it together or it will crash and burn.

Not that anyone minds.

It might be a good idea to start over and get it right this time.

Friday, July 1, 2016

Happy Canada Day!

HAPPY CANADA DAY!  Too bad the Roughriders lost on Opening Day....