Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Solar Eclipse!

The last solar eclipse to occur in the USA as in 1979 and it was on the West Coast.  The last eclipse to be seen from the East Coast was in 1970 and this was the first since Woodrow Wilson was in the White House to be seen across the country.

Michelle and I were outside and the sky became dark.  There were chirping bugs and birds flying to their nests.  I only saw a couple of street lights come on, but it did not seem like complete darkness. The lighting was definitely different!

There will be another in seven years supposedly, but this is still an awesome event.  We made sure not to look at it.  We did not have to...that is what Youtube is for!  :-)

Naturally, the cats were not impressed.....

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

"Higher Education"...LOL

...and zero common sense.

The University of California at Irvine rescinded nearly 500 acceptances because they realized they were about 500 spaces short for accommodating new freshmen.

Seriously, Academia, can you not do anything right?

There are probably some lawsuits coming out of this but this highlights the biggest problem with out education system--it is run by idiots.

How  can you not know how many students you can accept?  And think of the emotional damage done to those perspective college students as well as what it means for their future.  If it is truly all aobut the kids, they have a funny way of showing it.

If there is ever a reason to defund a school--as if totalitarian punishments for dissent were not enough--this certainly fits the bill.  The problem is that if they know the money is coming, there is no incentive to do well.  This is a typical problem with any government run organization.

If no one is fired for this or there are no repercussions, then the "education" industry is revealed as a true fraud.This is why Betsy DeVos, for better or worse, is now in charge of the Department of Education.

Stick with community colleges...they can get goofy at times, but they have no problem doing the right thing.