Sunday, January 28, 2018

XFL 2.0

Vince McMahon announced the second reiteration of the XFL this week and one has to admit it is getting a lot of attention.

It promises to be different from the short-lived 2001 version, this time with no cheerleaders, no real "in your face" promises of violence,  and promises of a safer, quicker game.

If there is a time for a competitor to the NFL, this is it.  The older league appears to be staggering.  Although the anthem protests are a definate factor, the NFL has other problems.  Those problems are high ticket prices, teams holding cities hostage for new stadiums, an increasing gulf between players and fans and what seems to be a general sort of contempt for those same fans.

Anger the customers and you will not be in business long.

Like the old XFL, the new one will be playing in the Spring.  McMahon is calling for a "re imagining" of the game.  No politics, no players with police records, less rules and safer.  It certainly seems like a re-imagining.

It is probably what the game of football needs.

The NFL has become slothful and lazy.  Competition brings out the best.  Things have changed since 2001.  It does not matter which network agrees to carry XFL games.  They can be streamed live on a variety of digital devices.  TV networks themselves may be in danger.

Every now and again, you, the fans, have to yank the chains to show sports leagues who the boss truly is.

Fans can live without the NFL....the NFL cannot live without the fans.

Keep that in mind.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Missile launches

Hawaii was in complete panic on Saturday,thinking a North Korean missile was inbound for the island.  Later Japan had a false alarm, but unlike the authorities in Honolulu, Tokyo was able quickly correct the error.  For some reason, the alert went on every medium imaginable for 38 minutes.

It seems odd in the Hawaiian case that there seems to be no communication between military and civilian authorities.  Was there communication?  How did someone hit the "wrong button" and no one noticed for 38 minutes?

I cannot predict what North Korea will do--I am not sure anyone can--but somehow I do not think North Korea wants to commit national suicide.

Kim Jong-un owns his own country.  Why would he jeopardize that? 

If North Korea attacked South Korea, the NKs stand about a 1% chance of winning.....and I am rounding it up. A lot of people would be killed, especially in Seoul, and in the end, the best North Korea could hope for is a draw.

A North Korean nuclear attack on anyone, especially the United States, would result in Kin Jong-un presiding over a radioactive wasteland, assuming he was not blown into another dimension.  The West will not launch a preemptive attack on North Korea.  China and Russia will not go to the mat for North Korea.

North Korea has no chance of victory and any attempt to seize that victory will result in its destruction.

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Cold, wind, did I mention "lots of SNOW?!"

The 2010s have seen a lot of what is referred to as "Winter Events" not only here in NC but up and down the East Coast.  We have had Pittsburgh-like temps since New Year's with quite a bit of ice and snow while Pittsburgh and the rest of the Northeast has been hit with Arctic-like temps and record ice and snow.

I hate to see what the actual Arctic must be like this January.

Could you tell the difference?

If anything, at least people might (?) be getting used to it.  I have not seen as many wreaks out on the road this time around.  I also noticed people were dressed for it this time--no shivering goofballs at the grocery store wearing shorts with a bewildered look on their face wondering if a new Ice Age was upon them.

As long as you don't see sabre-tooth tigers prowling around the back yard, things will work out.

If you do, well......

The cats go out to the carport and venture no further.  They batted at the white stuff and even ate some of it, but quickly came back inside.  Michelle and I tromped around and saw only our own footprints, so it seemed everyone was taking the advice of Muffins the cat.  My running sked was completely destroyed so, I will pick that up again on Monday.

Naturally my Pittsburgh Penguins were in Raleigh to play the Hurricanes and naturally I could not go, not because of the weather, but because the game was sold out!

Nothing stops hockey!

Oh well, we lost 2-1 so such is life!

The Penguins will be back in a couple of weeks and hopefully, someone in the stands will be someplace else!