Friday, August 31, 2018

Act of Random Kindness

With all of the stupidity currently roiling planet earth, I figured this would be a good thing to post.

You can't change the whole world at once, but if you clean a corner and someone else does the same,the world WILL  change for the better.

Go do something nice!

Or else! :-P

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Chicago out of control

Chicago has turned into a war zone with constant press conferences decrying the "unacceptable level of violence"  America's third largest city has draconian gun laws that are unconstitutional, yet there are guns everywhere and shootings almost 24/7

What can be done?

Arresting people doesen't seem to be working, stricter laws don't seem to work, and calls for martial law probably are not going to be heeded because that is not a good idea.

Militaries don't like policing their own people and they are not trained to do that. Way too much firepower in a civilian area will result in many,many unnecessary and accidental casualties.

The people of Chicago have to change. 

Clear and simple.

Rahm Emanuel, the mayor, does not seem interested in doing anything, the Chicago police is trying its best and even federal aid might not do anything useful.

The people have to change, clear and simple.

Saturday, August 11, 2018

Is NATO too big?

Montenegro was added to the NATO roster recently,bringing the number of members to a staggering twenty-nine.

NATO decisions are unanimous.  How are you supposed to get twenty-nine opinions to line up?

NATO was established to protect Western Europe from a Soviet invasion.  That threat vanished in 1991, yet the alliance has grown.  Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary joined in 1999 over Russian objections that it violated a promise not to expand the alliance beyond a newly reunited Germany.  In 2004,Slovakia, Bulgaria and Romania were added along with a penetration of the former Soviet frontier with the inclusion of the Baltic States.  Croatia and Albania joined in 2009 along with the return of France.  Do any of these new additions add to the alliance's strength?

An attempt to bring Georgia in in 2008 led to a Russian attack on that country than nearly split it in half.  Two clumsy "revolutions" in Ukraine in 2004 and 2014 led to the "little green man" takeover of Crimea.

NATO's enemy is radical Islam, not Russia.  There has not been a serious Russian action threatening Europe, but many Islamic terrorist attacks.  NATO has gotten larger and is facing the wrong way toward a threat that is not there.

Typical government in action

Looks like their's is as stupid as ours.