Sunday, January 27, 2019

Playing for the call,not the ball

The refereeing in the NFL has been terrible this year and the non-call in the NFC Championship is clearly an example of the problem. It should be addressed.

Still,there is another problem that is contributing to the alienation of fans from the sport and it is the attitude of the players themselves.

Too often,I see wide receivers running downfield, not make the catch and look around at the referees for a flag.  You did not catch the ball or the defense broke up the play. I have seen this in the games I ref too.  I have had players jumping up and down,shouting for a flag.  If there is no penalty, then there is no flag.  I tell the player to get back to his huddle or I will throw the flag.

I have tossed players out and one coach nearly got the boot.

Try playing the game.

No one goes to watch the refs.

Referee shortages and game cancellations should get the point across.

If not, the game of the future will be frisbee.

Kick over the crybabies and start teaching some self-reliance.  Generation Snowflake is doomed, so start toughening them up.  If they don't like it, oh well.

Win-win situation either way.

Friday, January 11, 2019


Harvard University, allegedly one of the top universities in America, if not the world, is being sued for discriminating against Asian-Americans because they do too well on entrance tests and are apparently too numerous on campus.

In other words, HarFraud is discriminating against smart people on the basis of their ethnicity.

Civil Rights Act, 1964, enter stage right.

Harvard is attempting to claim the moral high ground of "diversity" without explaining what that means and has been caught discriminating against superior applicants--not inferior or even marginal--but superior applicants because of their ethnicity.

Does that sound like a broken record?

It does because the logic is completely mind-boggling.

This also tells you what has become of our education system. It is about having the right box to check and as a result, unqualified people drag the university system down, churning out poorly educated graduate snowflakes that can't see to do, well, anything.

Time to defund the universities.That will get their attention and get them back on track.

Time for the universities to get a taste of the real world.  Better to find out now than get hurt worse later on because the pain, one way or the other, is coming.

Send your kid to a community college.  Cheaper, more practicable, and sane.

Plus you learn something with no crushing debt.

And chances are, you will not be discriminated against.