Friday, August 23, 2019

Buying Greenland?

It turns out that US interest in Greenland dates back to 1946 when President Truman thought American ownership of the world's largest island would be good for containing any Soviet moves into the North Atlantic and would be a good place for an airbase, placing Europe closer. There is a US airbase at Thule, so someone thought it was a great idea.

In the early 21st Century, buying Greenland might not be a bad idea. If the polar icecap continues melting, there could be a lot of minerals and oil to be found.  The problem is that Greenland and Denmark do not want to sell. If so, that is that.

I liked Greenland's response of "we are open for business, but not for sale".  It was a humorous, polite way of saying no.  Calling the idea "absurd", as Denmark's prime minister all but shouted, was idiotic and I don't blame the President for cancelling the trip.  If you cannot be polite, there is no need to waste time visiting.  Apparently they have reconciled, but Denmark's prime minister was clearly out of line.

Let it go and move on. Plus, tell Denmark to pay its share of its NATO obligation.

If the US is serious about buying Greenland, please consider our budged deficit first

Monday, August 12, 2019


Michelle and I went to Arizona for a while and it was an awesome trip!

Lots of hiking in the desert and visiting things like the "hole in the rock" above.  It looked like something from the 1960s version of "Star Trek".  We marched up the backside of it in 113 degree heat and saw a stunning desert vista in all directions.  We went up to Sedona and even found our way into an Arizona Cardinals practice in their home stadium!

We went to the desert in all directions and saw lots of animals.  We liked the Superstition  Mountains area the best and the people are really great there.

The terrarin reminded me a lot of Greece--maybe a bit hotter--and was clearly much different than the Pennsylvania and NC landscapes I am used too!

It is always a good thing to get away from what you are used to, going outside of the box is always fun!

I am still going to stay away from California!