Tuesday, June 30, 2020

CHOP shoots black teen

Told you it would get interesting...

Let's get this straight:  Protesters set up police-free zone to protest police killing of unarmed black citizen and call it "CHAZ", then "CHOP".  Then they have their own rifle toting security at the "border".  Lawless ensures, "Lord of the Flies" style.

Now, CHOP security have shot a black teen in a stolen car to death.

Remember the book Animal Farm?

Past time to shut it down and with all necessary force.  Time to charge the security with murder, toss out the mayor, and get Seattle back on the painful path to something approaching normalcy.

Or watch the increasingly hilarious show

Unfortunately, the price has been three lives.

For everyone's sake, please shut it down.

Sunday, June 14, 2020

This should be interesting...

It appears that some "protesters" have set their own independent country in the middle of Seattle called the Capital Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) and then renamed it the Capital Hill Organized Protest (CHOP).  No Seattle police department to be seen.  In fact, they abandoned the precinct.

The mayor of Seattle appeared supportive but the protesters are calling for her resignation.  Meanwhile, description of life inside the CHOP has varied from Woodstock to Lord of the Flies.  Most alarming are the reports of assaults and extortion from small businesses.

Meanwhile, since Seattle seems unable, or unwilling, to handle the situation.  Meanwhile a convoy of bikers is heading to Seattle to take the area back.  In the meantime, the allegedly liberal CHOP has an armed border and "stop and frisk" searches.

Typical liberal hypocrisy. 

In the meantime, the Governor of Tennesee says he will not all the same thing to happen in Nashville even though tents are appearing.  But this comes as no surprise.

He is a spineless Republican.

See, I am an equal opportunity insulter.

In the meantime, if I were unfortunate enough to live in Seattle, I would get in my lawnchair, take some popcorn, and watch the show.

Sound be interesting.