Sunday, September 27, 2020

Happy Anniversary!

 September 27, 2008--the anniversary of our wedding!  Michelle and I got married and the world has not been the same! :-P

Monday, September 21, 2020

Pennsylvania liberated!


A week ago, Governor Wolf of PA saw his COVID restrictions ruled unconstitutional.  He is swearing an appeal but the damage has been done.  The all power state government was slapped and forced to back up. It is like the scene in Rocky IV when Balboa hits Ivan Drago and cuts him above the eye.  "You cut!  He's bleeding!  He is just a man!" Duke the manager yells.

Meanwhile the Restaurant Revolution continues as places open up in defiance of the 25% occupancy rule.  Even the mighty KGB in 1991 could not stop the Russian people from defying the Soviet government.  Now, the unelected bureaucrats and elected enablers here, who often do not follow their own laws, are finding out the hard way that the same is true on this side of the Atlantic.

Just hand a sign that says "Peaceful Protest" outside your window and all will be well.

Remember you are a free person with natural rights given to you by God (or just natural rights if you are an atheist...welcome aboard!)  and you will have more than enough to overcome some fat guy with a tie waving a clipboard about.  

Take it from a guy who threw the health inspector out of his store with no problem.

These idiots are not very strong.

Look up Karl Manke and you will see what I am talking about.

September 11


Monday, September 7, 2020

Sunday, September 6, 2020

Enough of this stupity...


If this did not push over the top of "COVID is a myth", I don't know what can.

Here we have Nancy Pelosi, advocate of shutting everything down because of a virus no more lethal than the flu, in a shut down salon--open for her and her only--with no precious mask on, while no one is allowed to open to the public and, Heaven forbid, is not wearing an idiotic mask.

I have refused to wear one.  No one has bothered me and I don't bother them.  I am also not sick.  I tend to stay more than six feet away from people anyway since they often stink...LOL.  No, actually, just giving people space because that is how American culture works.

 Wash your bloody hands!

 Clearly this is not about a virus, it is about control and some American politicians clearly want absolute power, therefore resulting in millions of lost jobs and destroyed busisnesses.

 The idiot politicians are not invincile.  A barber in Michigan defeated Grethen Witmer in court so he could open this shop.  Gyms in New Jersey and Arizona had opened in spite of clearly unconstitutional "executive orders'.  

I still remember when the Soviet Union collapsed===300, 000 people in Red Square got together and dared the KGB to arrest everyone.  The same thing can happen here.

 Nothing violent, not psychotic.  Like  Rosa Parks in 1955, just say "No."  Open up for business and that is that.  Any authorities show up, so what.  Politely tell them, "buy something or get out,"  If anyone wants to escalate, that is why we have a Second Amendment.

 Remember, you art talking to a guy who threw the health inspector out of his store when he acted like an idiot.

My property.  Don't like it, get out.   

Americans need to remember...politicians work for you, not the other way around.  If you want to yank the chain, do it.  

You have the power, with minimal effort, to end all of this in twenty-four hours.

Go and do it all ready!