Sunday, October 25, 2020

Coronavirus revolt in England--and Illinois


The North of England, led by the city of Liverpool, has revolted against the government's COVID restriction.  Businesses are opening up and one gym in particular ran the local bureaucrats into exhausting, opening their doors every time the police shut the door,  Pubs are opening because they have been ordered to close while pubs serving Parliament in London remain open.  Something about police with Tasers threatening business owners finally put it over the top.  In a free country, you can run a country when said country actually gave you a business license.  The police, not happy about becoming the "germ police" to begin with, are not going to go the extra mile to enforce this.  The bureaucrats cannot go everywhere at once and when they close something down, it reopens in five minutes in what seems like a game of "Whack a Mole."

Are you paying attention, America?

 In Illinois, the restaurants have decided to ignore the governor's shut down order and Chicago has always been anarchy, so the "shelter in place" order the mayor is considering is not going to work either.  No that it ever has,

No violence, no bloodshed, just ignore the idiots.  

And there is an election coming up....

Payback time.

Sunday, October 18, 2020

PA Trip!


Michelle and I went up to Pennsylvania last week, because, well, we wanted too! :-P

We ignored Virginia's mask mandate and no one cared.  After cruising through the narrow "waist" of Maryland, we were in PA, where we ignored the mask mandate there too.  The Governor there, a twerp named Wolf, had vetoed a piece of legislation ending limits on restaurant seating.  It did not matter as I saw many places in Gettysburg and Pittsburgh open up full steam with no fear of any "Covid Response Teams".  The Restaurant Revolution is alive and well.

Meanwhile, Dr Atlas, a leading White House advisor has said masks to not work and now the Center for Disease Control has said lockdowns don't work.  In other works, wash your hands and keep six feet away from people...wear the mask if it makes you feel better, but do NOT try to force it on me.  Meanwhile, I saw the 74 year old, rather husky POTUS recover in two days from COVID and moonwalking to "YMCA:....

Enough of that.

It was cold back in the PA homeland, but we had a great time roaming around the Gettysburg battlefield and may or may not have seen any ghosts...might have been steam rising from the sewer. Back home in the Burgh, everything continues on its merry way and Pramanti's put limits on itself (fine, as long as YOU decide to do it) and no one was wearing a mask nor did anyone say anything to anyone else.

Great trip!

Now it is time to work it off!