Thursday, November 26, 2020

Happy Thanksgiving!


Invited a lot of people over.  Does it violate some stupid executive order?  No idea.  Didn't check.  Do you know why?  Because this is America and I don't have to ask the government permission to celebrate a holiday!  I paid my taxes, so if the government wants to do anything, it can wash the dishes.

Sunday, November 22, 2020

If this does not tell you its fake...


The moron Governor of California issued draconian regulations (no consultation with legislature, so no legal force..) concerning the now lame COVID pandemic (?)  After all but demanding that Thanksgiving be cancelled, this moron decreed that no more than three households (ten people total) get together for no more than two hours outdoors, and keep masks on between bites of food and discouraging singing, chanting, and shouting.

Then these pictures emerge. 

As you can see, there are 12 people, no masks, sitting close, and indoors. Further inspection reveals that the Governor was joined by two medical lobbyists, both with no masks.  They are laughing and shouting and enjoying $350 plates at a place called the French Laundry.

If this does not tell you what you need to know, I cannot help you.

Newsome first lied, then "apologized".  No penalty, no sanction, nothing from the government.

If I owned a store in California, I would put this picture on the window and open up.  Civil Rights lawsuit in the making....

Meanwhile, a video from Buffalo, NY has gone viral where a restaurant ignores Dictator Cuomo's arbitaraty restriction and throws out the health inspector trying to shut the place down. The police show up to ensure there is no violence and that is it.  The customers shout "GET OUT!" at the inspector and that is that. 

That is how you do it, America. No violence, no bloodshed. 

 Now, grow a pair and be an adult. You own the government, not the other way around.

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Marching around the woods!

Did not need to run today, because we walked all of these trails.  Just remembered, need to double that...we walked back!

Michelle made me put the stick back...she said I would scare people on the trail.

Yes, no mask, no trouble!  No one cared.  No one is sick.