Sunday, February 21, 2021

Right is right


 When you find yourself on the same side with AOC, you know it must be a really screwy situation.

It does not matter...right is right.  Some things transcend ideological differences.

Andrew Cuomo's horrific, bloodstained handling of nursing homes during the COVID pandemic has led to universal outrage.It is also the result of years of build up anger over Cuomo's arrogance and abusive leadership style.  His tone deaf "Who cares?  They died" press conference pushed everything over the edge.  Even New York State Attorney General Leticia James, not the most ethical person, was outraged when it was revealed that nursing home deaths had been grossly, and deliberately, undercounted.  Clearly, she wants to be the next governor.   The mayor of New York, Bill de Blasio, is piling on, trying to distract attention away from  his failings as well.  Nonetheless, some form of justice is coming.

Even AOC is calling for a probe and investigation.

If is going to reveal even worse things.

Time for Cuomo to be led out in handcuffs.

The other governors better pay close attention.

You know what they say about karma....

Sunday, February 14, 2021

And the point was?


Why pursue impeachment charges against someone who is not in office?

Do the idiots in Congress not have anything else to do?  I have quite a few suggestions for them if they cannot think of anything.

After all the money and time that was wasted, nothing was accomplished and the country remains divided and Congress has a approval rating of 9%.

Meanwhile, notice how the COVID rates began dropping after January 20.  Now New York and Calfornia area opening everything up after their governors have found themselves in serious trouble.  California's Newsome is facing a recall vote and NY's Cuomo has been caught fudging deaths from COVID after he crammed the elderly into nursing homes,

I told you this would fall apart.

Meanwhile, go out and enjoy really seems to annoy politicians....sounds like fun on general priciple!

Was this to forestall a Trump 2024 run for the White House?  When I see the Capitol building behind a fence with the National Guard patrolling around it, I cannot help but wonder the worse.  Maybe if they were not so corrupt, this conversation would not be taking place. 

Well, I enjoyed watching Pelosi scream at her press conference.  Too bad they don't look that close at Antifa violence.  

More trails to explore tomorrow as we channel the spirit of TR!

Sunday, February 7, 2021

Climbing the mountain!


Michelle and I went climbing up Picacho Peak halfway between Phoenix and Tucson.  We did not go for the top since there were about a dozen people ahead of us and it takes a good two hours on a good day to climb the final couple hundred yards.It is still pretty challenging to go around the sides, especially wtih a near constant 45 degree angle.  

At least it was not 114 degrees!

There was some ice and snow in the shadows but as vets of many Canadian and Pennsylvania winters, it was too much of a challenge.  

Let the politicians kill each other.

We are going to ignore them and enjoy the show...

...from the top of the mountain with a great view in all directions!