Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Cuba Libre!


Cuba has struck for freedom!

After nearly seventy years of Communist rule, Cuba is throwing off the shackles! 

I find the muted US Government reaction a little puzzling.  Quite obviously, Cuban unhappiness with Communism does not match up with their socialist leanings.

There are even threats of fines and jail for anyone in Miami taking a boat trip to Cuba to deliver aid.

Reagan or Bush would have sent aid. Clinton might have if the polls numbers trended in the right direction.  Not sure about Bush Jr or Obama, but to be honest, the US military was stretched out at that time.

I don't think US military intervention is a wise idea.  A United Nations peacekeeping effort would work though,  Naturally, I don't hear anything like that from whatever clown we have as ambassador to the UN. 

I am hoping for a civilian "Dunkirk" going both ways.  

Cuba deserves to be free.  I am glad they are stepping forward to grab it.

The rest of the world should take notice.

Viva Cuba Libre!

Sunday, July 11, 2021

2020, 2021 Olympics...


First of all, given the "fear" over the Delta or Epsilon or Omega variant of the disease with the 99.8% survival rate, it seems like the world is getting progressively stupider.  Many, many pics of "leaders" violating "restrictions" just highlights the hypocrisy and no one paying any attention to them anyway.  

So if the "Delta variant" is real, why have nearly 14k foreign athletes arrive in Tokyo?

 Plans to have the Games in empty stadiums make me wonder why we should even bother. I am wondering if we just should cancel the 2020/2021 Olympics.  It just seems ridiculous and no one seems interested. 

The manufactured  "transgender" controversy, steroid abuse, and  the conduct of (sadly) American athletes who seem to hate the country they represent, makes it seem to be more trouble than it is worth.  Part of me says, most are good people and only a few bad apples are giving the whole US team a bad name.

Still, a postponed Games, the Covid Cult, professionals instead of amateurs, and political activism by people who have no idea what they are talking about about just turns it into a mockery.

Call it off and do some soul searching Olympic Committee.

Enforce Article 50 (no political crap) by taking medals away and create a transgender division and you will find the Olympic spirit is alive and well. Just find the will to do your job

If not, wrap it up and toss it in the garbage.

Sunday, July 4, 2021