Sunday, September 26, 2021

Hoax on display


Let's see....Obama birthday mask for guests, but the hired help has to wear them.  Ditto for a Nancy Pelosi fundraiser, and now the Met Gala in Los Angeles where, once again, celebrities do not follow COVID protocols, but the employees do.  

Where was the Los Angeles Health Department on this? where.

Time to forget this stupidity and move no with our lives.

Ditch the slave masks.

Remind the Democratic Party that they could not defend slavery in the 1860s, and attempts at a caste system now won't work.

Leave these authoritarian hypocrites behind in the dustbin of history, ignore them, breathe free, and enjoy life.

Saturday, September 11, 2021

Sunday, September 5, 2021

Austrailia--The World's Largest Prison


As bad as many countries have reacted to the covid pandemic, Australia's reaction has been the most draconian and over the top.  The only possible--and I stress "possible"-- justification might be the resulting low death rate.  On the other hand, keeping people confined to their houses by force is as dystopian as any alternate history featuring a Soviet victory in the Cold War.

The people of Australia seem to be starting to rise up, with demonstrations turning violent.  The conduct of Australian cops and politicians has been terrible.  They seem even worse than authoritarian.  And now with face recognition software to ensure no one leaves there house is beyond anything the Nazis ever did.

Calling it like I see it.

If Australia wants to ban me from visiting, I will just shrug, since they won't let anyone in or out anyway.

Even Aussie Prime Minister Scott Morrison has admitted that this is not a sustainable situation.  There also seems to be growing discord between the Australian federal and state governments.

As long as the people tolerate this, it will continue.

And when this is over--one way or the other--what will be the relationship between the people and their government.

Before any Western nation babbles on about human rights, they need to look at themselves.

Time to end this, once again, one way or the other.