Sunday, February 27, 2022

Russia vs Ukraine


Four days ago, Russia invaded Ukraine.  I was surprised because I thought the occupation of Luhansk and Donetsk would be the worst case scenario. Well, Russia invaded.

How this ends is anyone's guess though I think Russia wins a hard tough slugging match at the end and Ukraine becomes neutral.  After that, we have Cold War 2.0 and NATO has a reason to exist, the real goal of this whole thing ...until China grabs Taiwan a week after this war ends. 

A written promise to keep Ukraine neutral in exchange for a written Russian pledge not to invade Ukraine could have kept this from happening.

Given the quality of world leadership in 2022, this failure comes as no surprise.

Notice how COVID suddenly vanished from the news...

NATO's eastward expansion led to this.  I don't excuse (or understand) the Russian attack, but serious substantive negotiations could have prevented the biggest war in Europe since 1945. Remember how Ukraine's democratic government, ready to stand for re-election in May 2014, was overthrown in March 2014.  Remember who back that.  That was why Russia grabbed Crimea.

Putin is described as a thug heading a oligarchic kleptocracy.  Ukraine is basically the same thing, and, to be brutally honest, the people in the West need to look at their own leaders.  At the end of the day, this is not a battle of good vs evil as the media is trying to portray this as.  It is a battle between nations pursuing their interests.  Failure and a lack  of common sense has led us here.

Don't expect the United Nations to do anything.

Russia and Ukraine are going to have to settle this. 

Hopefully it ends soon.

Sunday, February 20, 2022

Get rid of this idiot...


Time to get rid of this idiot....Justin Trudeau, just in case you could tell with the blackface.

Invoking emergency laws and calling a Jewish Member of Parliament a "supporter of the swastika"?!

Time for a no confidence vote.  If the Liberal Party finds the intestinal fortitude to to the right thing.

Meanwhile COVID restrictions continue to fall across North America and only the US and Canadian federal governments are trying to resist the tide of change.  They will give in soon enough.  Notice how they try to use "Russian aggression" as a distraction?  More on that tomorrow.

Keep the protests peaceful and keep it up!

Going to be interesting when the US truckers reach DC...

OK, three straight Canadian posts....tacking Russia-Ukraine tomorrow!

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Saskatchewan leads the way!!!


Saskatchewan premier Samuel Moe announced that all COVID restrictions, including the horrid vaccine passport, will be dropped by February 28.  I prefer they drop it all right now, but we take what we can get.  Ottawa is shut down, the US-Canadian border between Alberta and Montana is also shut down, and there are other convoys forming up in the US and Netherlands.

Freedom is on the march!

Stay vigilant though.  These politicians could not tell the truth if it walked up and bit them in the backside!