Tuesday, April 19, 2022

The masks are gone!


Cheers erupted on airplanes and in the airports as a federal judge overturned the useless mask mandates for planes, trains, and public transportation.  The unelected CDC is upset and maybe there is a challenge coming though it seems that the current administration went out of the way to announce that the TSA would not enforce the non-law mandate.  Obviously, they are trying to claim credit for the announcement even though the illegal decree was their idea in the first place.

The Great Dictator is not all powerful.

The airlines and flight attendants have been begging for the decree to be lifted.  The last 24 hours have been the happiest we have seen on airlines in a very long time!

Don't let them do this again!

Passive resistance can shut it down in 24 hours if Americans find their courage again.

So find it!

Sunday, April 10, 2022

Russia off UN Human Rights Council--Canada and Austrailia next?


Since Russia invaded Ukraine, Moscow was thrown off the UN Human Rights Council.  It only stands to reason that repressive countries like Canada and Australia, trampling peaceful protesters and forcibly deporting their citizens to quarantine camps, would be next. 

The United Nations lost credibility a long time ago, so UN sanction really does not mean much.

This brings us to the question--Why do we have a United Nations?

It might be time for them to relocate to someplace more fitting like Cairo or even Casablanca.  As for the UN Building, that is a lot of office space not generating any revenue for a cash starved US government.

Give the US disregard for the UN, exemplified by multiple overseas American military operations since 2003, I am surprised this question has not bounced around Washington, DC. Our $11 billion has plenty of uses here at home and our trillion dollar budget deficit cannot really handle such hand outs.

The UN is good for humanitarian operations and peacekeeping, so let's not get rid of it completely.

But unless it does what it is supposed to do, let's not make it more than it really is--a glorified debating society.

Saturday, April 2, 2022

Happy Anniversary!

One this day in 2007, I gave Michelle her ring in front of Heinz Field!  In 2012, I successfully defended my thesis on Greek hoplite warfare!  Pictured below is the site of both the historic event and the happy couple!