Tuesday, May 31, 2022

China tries to break into the Pacific


China has aggressively been trying to break out of the containment ring that has been set around it.  While the US has fashioned the "Quad" (India, Australia,Japan, and the US) and AUKUS (Aussies, Britain, US) alliances, China has tried to reach accommodations with Pacific micronations in what are called "bilateral security and aid packages".  The idea is to build Chinese navy and bases there clearly.  Australia, too busy repressing its own citizens, was caught off guard when the Solomon Islands signed such a deal with Beijing.  After the Chinese tour of ten Pacific islands did not end with an agreement between the small school of Pacific dots and Asia's greatest power (this time), Beijing began sending large flight of fighter jets through Taiwanese airspace.  Most alarming is the large number of Chinese ships WEST of Taiwan.  Exercise or taking up station? 

With Blundering Biden's commitment to Taiwan and his staffs walking back of such comments, you start putting the pieces together and an alarming picture comes into focus.

The new Cold War is not--nor was it ever going to be--in Europe.  It it the Pacific and some of these islands--Solomans, New Guinea, Guadalcanal, Midway, Guam--are places you have heard of before.

Time to get some new maps and start to become familiar with them!

Monday, May 30, 2022

Happy Memorial Day!


Tomorrow, China's aggressive Pacific moves...

Sunday, May 15, 2022

Finland and Sweden in NATO...forget about China?


Finland and Sweden are actively trying to join NATO, abandoning traditional (since 1945 in Finland) neutrality.  They cite a fear of potential Russian aggression.  The problem is that given Russia's underwhelming military performance in Ukraine, it just seems a little premature.  Plus, now this gives Russia a reason to aim nukes at Helsinki and Stockholm. Finland's early bilateral agreement with Britain was probably a good middle route.

Meanwhile, China is basically surrounding Taiwan with ships and planes and there seems some stockpiling of supplies in southeast China right across from what Beijing calls "the renegade province".  The there was the news of the Soloman Islands sighing a basing agreement with China, giving Beijing a stepping stone beyond the First Island Chain.  The Solomans and China say it is not a basing agreement, but we know what that means--its a Chinese base.

Australia was upset, considering the area it sphere of influence.  If they had not been so busy repressing their own citizens, they might have notice the Chinese diplomatic incursion on their front door.

Be on the lookout for the moving of superconductor chip manufacturing to the US. Taiwan leads the world in this field, but if that capacity is moved stateside, it might be over for Taiwan before it even starts.  

Next, Indonesia will start to see a lot of Western and Chinese "aid packages" coming their way and Chinese attempts to attempt to cruise towards Guam and Pearl Harbor without being seen.

If History does not repeat, it certainly rhymes.

Thursday, May 12, 2022

Happy May 12!


Happy May 12th!

Big holiday and celebration of victory over The Citadel!  

Michelle and I have been running around out in the Arizona desert over the last couple of weeks and it seems really odd to see green after so long!

Shout about Friday the 13th tomorrow and how Finland and China might start a third world war!