Sunday, January 29, 2023

Novak vindicated!


A year after being deported from Australia for refusing to take an experimental, untested vaccine, Novak Djokovic won the Australian Open.  Unfortunately, he had to beat someone from Greece, but shoving such a win in the face of the Australian government was something I could live with!

A year after the public deportation, the Most Dangerous Disease In The History Of The Universe was suddenly gone!

The US still requires a COVID vaccine for non-citizens to enter, so Djokovic can play in any American tournaments.  Meanwhile, thousands of illegal immigrants come over the border carrying any number of diseases. 

If he walks over the border, he should be OK.

Let the COVID delusion go, it's over.

Sunday, January 22, 2023

New Zealand is free!


Jacinda Ardern resigned as Prime Minister of New Zealand this week, bringing the island nation a little closer to freedom.  After the draconian lockdowns, her popularity dropped and according to recent polls, her re-election was in serious doubt.

Don't think that had anything to do with the resignation, do you?

Hopefully Trudeau is next.

New Zealanders went with the COVID lockdowns for as long as they could before the intrinsic human need for freedom and the demand for human and natural rights exploded into protests.  Like Prime Minister Black Face of Canada, she ran and refused to meet with anyone.

She was recently caught on a hot-mic moment using an expletive to denigrate a member of Parliament that disagreed with her.  Dictators don't like dissent.  

She said she had "nothing left in the tank", so I will give her a point for honestly at least.

New Zealand has a chance to move past this shameful era of discrimination and dictatorship as long as they hit her Liberal Party with a couple of defeats.  Then it can be the Liberal Party is is supposed to be.

If New Zealand's voters ever bring her back in some way, shape, or form (probably as a member of Parliament), it is one them. 

Good bye and good riddance Jacinda. 

Sunday, January 15, 2023

Lost and found


Did you see the FBI raid on Biden's home after classified documents that were not supposed to be there?

Neither did I.

The problem does not seem to be a Republican or Democratic problem.  The question is why no one noticed the stuff in Biden's garage was missing since 2016!

This classified stuff was in Biden's garage for seven years!

Another question seems to be how and why this news is released.  Apparently the FBI knew about it since November 2022 and it has become public now.  And more stuff is being released with and Biden seems surprised.

Is this an effort from inside the Democratic Party to depose him?  Not sure if they want him to resign before the next election or simply not run again.  Interestingly enough, this stuff about classified documents came out after he said he intended to run for a second term.

This seems like something from the Soviet-era Politburo and Biden's resemblance to Chernenko and company is uncanny.

Combine that with the utter incompetence of this administration and utter stupidity, anything is possible.

This chapter of US History is getting very interesting.

Sunday, January 8, 2023

Fun for the whole family!


The election that would not end finally did with an entertaining semi-fist fight after the 14th vote for the Republican speaker of the House, Kevin McCarthy of California.

It was not the Brooks-Sumner affair from 1856, but it provided a ratings spike for CNN,

This is what a democracy is supposed to look like.  No rubberstamp votes and lack of debate.  McCarthy had to make concessions to all parts of the party and some good stuff is all ready happening. The funding for the 87k IRS agents to be added was ended and bill that give members of Congress to read thousand page bills is gong to be past.  

It is a shame that such common sense measures have to be made laws, but sometimes you have to build back up from the beginning.  

The very beginning.

 It looks like it is going to be an interesting legislative session.,

The new House has all ready forced the Grand Poobah to visit the US-Mexico border that has been ignored.  Not sure if this means anything.  Still, a step in the right direction.

Now if only half the government would walk south and keep going....

Enjoy the ride!

Sunday, January 1, 2023