Sunday, July 23, 2023

What is it with these people?


Why does the airplane industry hate its customers?

I have asked this question before, remembering the 2006 Jet Blue incident where a plane was held on the tarmac for hours in 100 degree cabin hear and the 2011 incident where security dragged a doctor off a plane in Chicago, lied about it, and got caught.

Now in Las Vegas least week, passengers were held on an airplane for five hours with cabin temps of 111 (!) degrees..  What happened to the Passenger Bill of Rights?  Or common sense?

If I was the pilot, I would have had the ranking stewardess who was not passed out lead the passengers in a school line across the tarmac back into the terminal. 

Pete Butticheg--however you spell his name--has said an investigation is underway.  Well, that is a first.  Delta Airlines has said the passengers were compensated, but it also became known that the next available flight for these passengers was to Atlanta the next day and then that was cancelled.

Time to stop this.

Do it by refusing to fly.  Do it for a week and watch what happens.

Does the American public have the courage to do this?

Not encouraged, but odder things have happened.

Sunday, July 2, 2023

Supreme Court hat trick!


The Supreme Court hit the Grand Pooba three hard blows on Friday.

The first was the torpedoing of the student loan bailout,  It seemed pretty obvious to me.  A mere president cannot move billions of dollars around on his own,  Congress has the power of the purse, not the president.  A president is not a king.  He can say whatever he wants, and shout about executive orders all he likes, but at the end of day, not a penny moves without the consent of Congress. Basic civics and separation of powers.

Then affirmative action was host down as it was revealed the the University of North Carolina and Harvard had engaged in blatant discrimination against both Asians and whites.  Everyone deserves a chance and a equal opportunity.

And finally, free-enterprise capitalism triumphed over wokeness as a Colorado web designer, who had worked with the LGBTQ community decided  she did not want to design sites for gay marriages.  After the state government of Colorado tried to intimidate her, it went to the US Supreme Court and wokeness lost.  The point of having a business is to be able to run it as you see fit.  Again, why did this have to go to SCOTUS in the first place?

Nonetheless, fundamental freedoms were preserved and we have to remain vigilant to keep them.