Sunday, January 21, 2024

Texas vs DC


The State of Texas took control of Shelby Park in Eagle Pass, Texas to stem the illegal migrants streaming across the Rio Grande.  The Texas National Guard, also known as the Texas Military Department, kicked the US Border Patrol out of the area.  The White House ordered Texas to give the area back to the Border Patrol, but Texas Governor Abbot has said NO.

The US federal government wants to send billions to Ukraine and keeps soldiers on the Syrian-Iraqi border. None on the US border, which the federal government is supposed to defend.

And here does Biden get off demanding anything from anyone?  We are lucky if the guy knows what planet he is on.

It is a felony to enter the country illegally.  It has been going on since the 1990s.  So the US government is going to sue Texas for enforcing federal law?  Texas has announced they will ignore anything the federal government demands and rightfully so.  Any government's first duty is to protect the people. And it has failed.

But if you object to sexually explicit material given to first graders, the FBI puts you on a list.

Joe Biden is a joke.  Please let him just wander off into the dustbin of history.

Texas, keep doing what you are doing!

Still not cheering for the Cowboys though :-P 

Sunday, January 7, 2024

China goes West?


China a land-locked nation whose has the worst maritime geography I have ever seen.

  Taiwan sits in the way and China as a lot of enemies in the South China Sea and China's trade would be cut off by a blockade of the Malacca Straits.  A distant blockade of China can basically strangle the country.  Making matters worse are the Nicobar island behind the Malacca Straits.

  Could China be taking a page out of America's book?

 Going west overland costs more that shipping over water, but it is through the territory of allies.  The goods will get to their markets.  There is no danger a US Navy blockade.  

The Belt and Road Initiative is following the route of the old Silk Road. So is this a case of "Back to the Future" meets "Manifest Destiny". 

Next week we see the Taiwanese elections!

It is between the Democratic Progressive Party, somewhat more confrontational with the mainland, and the Kuomintang, which is a little more accommodating to Beijing.  The Kuomintang stance is a bit odd considering its combat against the Communists in 1949.

Let's see if Xi had fixed the elections in Taiwan and if the Kuomintang wins.  Then we see if the new administration waves the CCP in.

Looks like 2024 is off to an interesting start!


Monday, January 1, 2024

Happy New Year!



  Shouting about China going west tomorrow!