Saturday, February 24, 2024

Ukraine war grinds into third year...


What was supposed to be a quick strike is not in its third year.

It seems Russia in pushing forward and might win.  All of the aid to Ukraine is not helping and I, along with millions of others, are wondering where the money went if the Ukrainians are sort of ammo.

Once again, the whole war could have been avoided if the US gave Russia what it wanted--a written guarantee that Ukraine would not join NATO.  It would have cost nothing.

Plus, who would want Ukraine in NATO anyway.  The corruption there makes DC look almost saintly.

I am thinking that they give Ukraine enough to keep the war going so arms dealers can make money off a war they want to continue forever.

It looks like they might have underestimated Russian determination to win.

I don't think Russia will conquer all of Ukraine, but I don't see a real end to this war soon.

Just like the arms dealers want.

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Staggering into oblivian


This is the guy claiming to be president.

After that disastrous interview after his deposition for mishandling classified documents, there is grumbling from all quarters, including his own cabinet, to invoke the XXV Amendment

Biden reminds me of Brezhnev of the old USSR stumbling through speeches and being a general embarrassment. Our politicians are in their late 70s and early 80s, giving us more Soviet vibes.

The southern border is in chaos, the economy is in trouble, and everyone hates the federal government, including elements of the federal government itself.  It is a view of an expanding disaster.

Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea are acting more aggressive and soon they will go beyond mere provocation   They are clearly watching the unstable US situation waiting to strike.  April and September is the best time to launch an attack across the Taiwan Strait.  The US is getting further embroiled in the Middle East.  Sending aid to Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan is stretching American inventories to the breaking point.  And let's not forget there is an election in November that the weak Biden is favored to lose.

The time to strike might be close.

On the other hand, we might see more foreign election interference in order to keep Biden in office to further weaken the US from inside.

 I get the feeling there are new pages in the history book being written right now.

Will it be in English or Chinese?