Sunday, March 31, 2024

Monday, March 25, 2024

Happy Greek Independence Day!



Sunday, March 24, 2024

Border chaos


Remember this picture

Unarmed criminals, aided and encouraged by the US federal government, charged and fought with the Texas National Guard to get into the county.

No word of arrests or thrown back into Mexico.

The Texas National Guard, armed with rifles, did not shoot at the invaders. That is what they are--invaders.

Meanwhile, billions of dollars are sent to Ukraine, but our own border is wide open.

The first duty of any government is to protect its people.  They are not even trying.  Meanwhile crime spirals out of control.  The government is $34 trillion in the hole and does not seem in interesting in balancing it budget.

Sometimes, a society is just too stupid to survive.

Sunday, March 10, 2024

Didn't get rid of this?


I thought we got rid of Daylight Savings Time?

Well, Congress was on it, so that might explain why it is still around.  Arizona did the smart thing and decided to go without it.  Living in the desert seems to impart wisdom.

Daylight savings time did come in handy for my a few times though.  Once, we forgot to set the clocks ahead an hour and showed up at church just as it was ending  :-)  Another time, my cousins and I were playing Dungeons and Dragons (back when it was board game!) until 2am.  Because of daylight savings, we can say we played until 3am!  Twice, when I was working overnights in radio, I got an extra hour (and whopping $7) and got to program whatever I wanted because our nincompoop of a program director apparently forgot about Daylight Savings Time even though we have used it since the First World War.

And you wonder why they went bankrupt...

Still, I will enjoy the longer daylight hours and lobby, as usual to maintain this version of it, and get ride of Daylights Saving Time for good.

Congress says they want to get rid of it, so that means it is around forever,

I can play football outside a bit longer at least!