Sunday, April 21, 2024

Weirdest Middle Eastern conflict ever....


I am not sure what the point was.

Over 300 Drones and missiles were launched from Iran.  The Israelis saw it coming and intercepted 99% of the incoming ordinance.  Of course, I am wondering how they missed the 5k missiles in Gaza in October 2023, but that is something else.

  The Iranian missile attack was an appalling failure.  I thought it was wiser for Israel to publicly laugh at the Iranian failure.  That would have been that.  Especially since the IDF is fighting hard in Gaza.

Israel launched an airstrike, flying over Syria and Iraq, invaded Iranian airspace and hit......nothing.

Satellites saw no impact craters or wreckage.

It is better that seeing a Middle Eastern war, but it was strange.  Both sides did not really seem interesting in hitting each other.  Seems like it was just a big light show.

Maybe it blows up later.  Hopefully not.  The anticipated and feared Israeil-Iran clash turned out to be a nothing burger.

Just as well. 

Sunday, April 7, 2024

Solar Eclipse!


We have a solar eclipse marching its way across the country's midsection tomorrow!

That is always fun to see.  Not sure why people are buying eggs and milk though...

Still, it is the first one since 2017 and we have to reach back to 1978 go find another full eclipse though we had a partial one in 1984.  I don't think it is a harbinger of doom or anything.  Given the way our society is falling apart, I might need to get my plague beak costume out...LOL

I have my sunglasses from seven years ago, so all is well.  

There is supposed to be another in 2044, so maybe we can have it in time for the 100th anniversary of Normandy!