Monday, August 19, 2024

Let The Games Begin!


The Democratic National Convention has begun in Chicago and protestors/rioters have all ready broken through the fences and are fighting with the Chicago PD. 

The deposed Grand Pooba Biden will give the opening speech and leave sullenly for DC or Delaware.  Cackling Goofall Kamala Harris might say something and everyone will wish that she would shut up.

Fourteen million Democratic primary voters will have their ballots thrown out and the "Defenders of Democracy" will pick their own candidate. 

If you are stupid enough to vote for Kamala Harris, you deserve what you get.

In the meantime, enjoy the riots and take bets about how many shops get looted and how long it takes the Cook County DA to let "arrested" rioters go.

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Idiot Of The Year


Wide spread riots broke out over Britain after an alleged immigrant (turns out to be a native-born son of Rwandan immigrants) allegedly stabbed three little girls to death at a Taylor Swift-themed dance event.

Riots are not the way to go, but it seems the frustration with the British government's incompetency in handing immigration boiled over and off they went!

Prime Minister Starmer was shouting about "right wing thuggery" instead of trying to calm the situation and became upset when it was pointed out that the places the riots were occuring were places that had voted for his Labour Party.  Meanwhile, Muslim demonstrators threatening people were marching through Birmingham, England the the police were no where to be seen!

It's called "two tier policing" and there is not justification for it.  Equal before the law or just chuck in it out the window.

Then, the idiocy/fascism continued when UK Police Commissioner Mark Rowley announced that social media posts supporting protest or deemed insulting to immigrants (many illegal) would be punished.  Then this Gestapo wannabe said even US posts were subject to this (unratified) law and they would "be coming after you."

Did you not try that in 1776?

Rowley needs to shut up and stop sounding like an idiot.  You need to remember your job and calm the situation, not attempt and fail to stifle freedom of speech.

The British Empire is dead, Rowely, and it is not coming back.

Meanwhile, you are welcome for the First World War, Second World War, and the Cold War.  

As we say on this sided of the Pond, stay in your own lane.