Monday, February 8, 2010

So What?

The "huge" Tim Tebow commercial aired during the Super Bowl. Certain political interest groups were concerned about any anti-abortion sentiments that might leak out. Last I heard, there was something in our Constitution about Freedom of Speech. If there is something objectionable, don't watch it. Simple. I do not know where any political "interest group", conservative or liberal, thinks it has the right to "pressure" a network into not airing something. They aired it and the world did not end. I do not think it represented any actual change in Super Bowl advertising like this borderline hysterical ad thinks. It also has the commercial for you to see for yourself.;_ylt=Ar.hGGuAXUJ8_23w79mPQ6WwP7l_?urn=nfl,218119

What do the opponents of this commercial have against babies and family anyway?

Best Super Bowl commercial had to be the Abe Vigoda/Betty White football game!

We should talk instead about the Saints' improbable victory.

World Champion New Orleans Saints? Now that is something to get hysterical about!

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