Thursday, June 2, 2011

Greece bankrupt, America next?

Here is a couple of frightening articles:

This is about the Moody's credit rating agency possible downgrading America's credit rating since. like Greece, we insist on spending money we don't have and we are doing at a rate ($14 trillion dollar debt) that is simply mind boggling

This article is about "austerity" and what it actually means:

This goes beyond Republican and Democat. You cannot spend money you do not have. Raising taxes is like giving money to a gambling addict. The US MUST reduce spending. We cannot keep spending money like this. Raising taxes actually results in reduced revenue because it all but destroys economic activity.

Cut spending and get commodity trading under control and things will start to get better. It will still take awhile but it is the first step.

It is time to act decisively while we have some measure of control over the situation...

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