Thursday, January 17, 2013

Chapel Hill--Vicious and Nasty?

 I was in Chapel Hill, NC on the University campus.  I saw angry people with sullen faces.  When they were not looking down at their feet while walking, they were shouting at each other and giving hand signals that had nothing to do with traffic.

I, aloof from the drama,  watched from a Starbucks with a hot chocolate.  I looked around and saw people slumped down in their seats, angrily staring at computer screens and it was quiet....eerie quiet.  I wondered what was going on.

Then today I saw a New York Times article ripping Obama over drone strikes at US citizens joining al-Qeida in the Middle East.  What? The New York Times upset at Obama?  What was going on?

Then I made a connection and I realized what I saw in Chapel Hill earlier.

Everyone was getting smaller paychecks due to the increased payroll tax that somehow was not included in the "fiscal cliff" negotiations.  Suddenly, these committed liberals who had fought so hard and campaigned tirelessly for Obama were reaping what they had sown.

And they did not like it.

Can you blame them?

Would Romney have been any different?  Hard to say but he is not the one in the White House so guess what---it's yours, Barrack!  And the people who voted for you don't seem too happy with you.

It is nothing to gloat over but it shows an important lesson--liberal or conservative, Republican or Democrat--we are all in this together.

United States....U.S......US....Let's keep it that way and forget the infighting.

It is time to work together and fix this mess.....


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