Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Moron of the year...

It's almost March but it will be hard to beat Keith Olbermann for the 2010 version of this honor...and he might have the inside track for 2011.
Try and watch this to the end...
Racism exists in the soul of every white man?! Has Keith looked in a mirror lately? Is he confessing something he feels guilty about? It sounds to me like he is trying to explain racist behavior on his part.
I was born over a century after the Civil War and my ancestors were on another continent when the War between the States broke out. I do not feel any guilt for something I was not responsible for. I will not allow someone else to try and make me feel guilty or ashamed for something I did not do.
I have always lived by the creed of treat others as you would like to be treated yourself. Others. As in fellow humans. All humans. Period.
Animals too.
People do not like Obama's policies. The only color anyone is worried about is green.
The Tea Party movement has nothing to do with race. It is about standing up to an out of control government that is spending its way (and ours) into oblivion, taking out future and freedom and flushing down the toilet.
Olbermann rants about Tea Party dislike of illegal immigrants. Well, yes they are upset about illegal immigrants. They are ILLEGAL. What part of that does he not understand? It is a felony to be in this country illegally yet they arrive anyway and get free health care and other benefits you, an American citizen, have to pay through the nose for.
The Tea Party is not the Klan...or Black Panthers...neither of which any decent human has a use for. Not even close Keith but nice try.
He closes with a rhetorical question: "How come everyone at a Tea Party looks just like you?", insuating that everyone at the event is white. Here is a rhetorical question back at him: "How come everyone on the MSNBC Network Talking Heads Lineup looks just like you, Keith?"
The one thing he did say that made some sense was the very real possibility that your grandmother could just as easily get "deathpanelled" by a private insurance company just as easily as an ObamaCare institution. That is the only reason Moron of the Year 2010 was not closed to further competition....
On the other hand, what did it have to do with racism?
Stay on the meds, Keith...

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