Monday, March 22, 2010

America in distress

Or maybe I should title this "Countdown to Civil War."
The "health care" no one, Republican and quite a few Democrats, liberals and conservative, and at least 75% of America does not want was barely passed in the House of Representatives last night.
This is very bad legislation.
At least ten states are planning lawsuits against what they are calling, "a tax on living."
The most upsetting part of this "bill" is the part REQUIRING Americans to buy life insurance. This is illegal. It is a tax and something that is not needed in a time of economic depression, out of control gas prices and nearly 10% unemployment.
The good thing is that onerous practices such as denying coverage based on pre-existing conditions will be outlawed. The bad news is that we know what the insurance companies will do in response: hike up the rates dramatically.
The "public exchange" is supposed to regulate premiums that seem to keep increasing. If you remember, the "public exchange" was dropped without a problem by the Senate before the shocking Republican victory in Massachusetts.
I remember Candidate Obama promising to bring to America the same health plan Congress has. This is not it. So what happened along the way? It seems Obama is just another crook like Bush was.
So why not universal health care?
How can Europe and even Mexico extend care to their citizens and America can't? Is it a money issue? Possibly since $750 billion was shelled out to Wall Street in 2008, another $787 billion shoveled out in a "stimulus" that is not working and not to mention the billions wasted in wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
So what do we do?
Ignore Washington.
Do you really think the Supreme Court will rule against the federal government on this? Ignoring the federal government works better. The states have ignored Real ID and other federal laws including immigration laws. Time to do it again. The federal government needs to be reigned in and cut down.
The best was is to vote Republican in November.
But they better come through.
Anger is growing in America. It is directed at the government that is becoming more dictorial and overbearing. If passive resistence is met with jack booted force and the will of the people ignored, where do you think the whole process is going to go?
It is not something I want to see or even think about.
If you think it can't happen here, you are dreaming.
Washington needs to back away from the cliff.
They won't survive the fall.
Now tell me who is worse? Washington or al-Qeida?
The frightening this is is that I am not sure.



    A little more reading

  2. Why do we just not go to socialized medicine?
