Tuesday, June 22, 2010

An answer from Greece

My ancestral homeland of Greece has caught a lot of flak lately for "causing" the financial crisis roiling Europe and shaking the European Union to its foundations. The truth is is that all of the EU is in trouble because the pursued the SAME policy Greece has. The crisis hit Athens first because it is the capital of a smaller country. Germany and Britain are pursuing their own austerity plans, which makes the current White House crowd uncomfortable because it brings up the most dreaded word a liberal can hear: cutbacks.

Let the video speak for itself...


Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Who are you to lose control like this?

Representative Bob Etheridge shows why everyone hates our government and alleged representives.

If you do not want to answer the question, you do not have to but assualting two college students with a camera is not only criminal but incredibly stupid.

"WHO ARE YOU?!" He keeps bellowing.

They are out on the sidewalk so it is not like they need permission to film anything. Plus they were probably afraid Etheridge would call the KGB....excuse me...the Gestapo..*cough cough*...Homeland "Security" to harrass them.

I would have answered, "An American citizen. You know, one of those people who pay your salary."

I would have given him one chance to let go and then he would have caught one of my knobby fists between the eyes. Then I would have pinned him to the ground and called the cops.

The ironic thing is is that this guy demands to know the names of two students yet won't support the enforcement of legislation to determine the identity of suspected illegal immigrants.

This is your government in action, America.

I think I know what George Washington would have done.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Attention to detail

Expert technology but looks like they forgot something.....

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Definition of class

We don't see this very much but we should. Armando Galarraga pitched a perfect game and the ump blew the call on the final out. But Armando did not scream and yell or demand for Umpire Joyce to be fired. He shrugged it off and said he was happy his team won. The umpire admitted in tears he blew the call but Armando said it did not matter and to have a nice day.

But somebody decided Armado deserved something for the effort:

Armando Galarraga receives a Corvette consolation prize
By 'Duk
Bob Barker and Rod Roddy couldn't have planned it better themselves.
In the wake of Armando Galarraga's(notes) perfect-game-that-wasn't, Chevrolet and the Detroit Tigers rightly decided that the jilted pitcher deserved a grand gift anyway.
[Photos: See Armando Galarraga in action]
So a new Corvette was driven behind home plate prior to Thursday's game with the Cleveland Indians and presented to the man who has been nothing but class in the face of Wednesday's disappointing and unjust finish. That'll ease the sting a bit.
Even better, the feelgood moments didn't end once Galarraga was handed the keys to his shiny new whip. With Jim Joyce scheduled to work home plate for the day, Galarraga then carried the lineup to the tearful ump and shook his hand. Joyce remained emotional and responded with a thankful pat to Galarraga's arm.
There was a mixture of cheers and boos during the exchange, but in retrospect, I think we should give a standing ovation to everyone involved. Joyce's blown call on what would have been the 27th out had the potential to be a very ugly stain on the game, but both Galarraga and Joyce have combined to put a positive spin on the situation. That Galarraga has achieved an admirable sense of serenity so quickly is really rather remarkable and there's no way to argue that he hasn't earned every mile he'll drive on that new set of wheels.