Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Who are you to lose control like this?

Representative Bob Etheridge shows why everyone hates our government and alleged representives.

If you do not want to answer the question, you do not have to but assualting two college students with a camera is not only criminal but incredibly stupid.

"WHO ARE YOU?!" He keeps bellowing.

They are out on the sidewalk so it is not like they need permission to film anything. Plus they were probably afraid Etheridge would call the KGB....excuse me...the Gestapo..*cough cough*...Homeland "Security" to harrass them.

I would have answered, "An American citizen. You know, one of those people who pay your salary."

I would have given him one chance to let go and then he would have caught one of my knobby fists between the eyes. Then I would have pinned him to the ground and called the cops.

The ironic thing is is that this guy demands to know the names of two students yet won't support the enforcement of legislation to determine the identity of suspected illegal immigrants.

This is your government in action, America.

I think I know what George Washington would have done.

1 comment:

  1. Your tax dollars at work...aint democracy grand?
