Sunday, June 12, 2011

Show him the door....

...then throw him through it...head first.

Anthony Weiner is not the first moron to wander through Congress and he certainly will not be the last but he still needs to go.

And why stop with just him?

Nonetheless, not only has he lied about tweeting compromising pictures of himself but he did this with a minor...forget resignation, he should be in jail!

This kind of behavior has been the hallmark of both parties and is yet another nudge towards independent political thought and the erosion of the totalitarian.....uh, two party system of perversion, corruption and utter incompetence.

Between Clinton's "I did not have sexual relations with that woman" and Roger Craig's "bathroom Olympics", it seems neither Republicans or Democrats have a monopoly on morality but both seem to be trying to outdo each other in perversion.

Meanwhile, our economy continues to sink under 9.1% unemployment, sky-high gas prices, the specter of higher taxes, the over regulation of business, and deficits that involve numbers that don't have any meaning. Along with the economy, freedom is also under assault with TSA goons strip searching airline passengers and local governments seizing private property under the guise of "eminent domain" while banks do the same without checking mortgage paperwork that they themselves do not understand or even check.

America, you deserve better.

Is it too late to petition Britain to take us back as a colony?

Just wondering.

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