Monday, January 9, 2012

Tim Tebow

What is it with the sports media and Tim Tebow?

For some reason they really seem to hate him. Some people give us the "liberal media hates Christians" angle and you begin to wonder if they have a point.

I am not the most pious person on the planet but I believe everyone has a right to worship whoever or whatever they want or not worship anything.

The sports media should focus on sports and keep it there.

His open piety can be a little tiresome at time but so are morons with drooping pants, hats on crooked and idiotic "celebrations" for things as mundane as making a catch that is not even a touchdown. Tebow, on the other hand, seems much more wholesome and could be an excellent role model in a league full of people who often end up in jail.

They have derided Tebow declaring that he was an NFL "bust" before playing a down and somehow forgetting he is a rookie and rookies can be taught to do things differently. Every game he started in 2011, elements of the sports media analyzed his every move and when he had a bad game, declared his fifteen minutes of fame were over.

Then he goes and beats my Steelers in the playoffs.

The media better get used to Tim Tebow because I think he is going to be around a while. He has Someone bigger than the media in his corner.

I also think Pittsburgh will beat him next time around.....

Pic from ESPN

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