Sunday, March 25, 2012

Happy Greek Independence Day!

Happy Greek Independence Day

Thursday, March 22, 2012

EPA gets bodyslammed

An overreaching dictatorial federal agency claimed it could not be taken to court was and lost badly in a unanimous 9-0 decision. Reading the story will make you angry and wonder if you are living in the United States of America or the Soviet Union. The Supreme Court got one right for a change. Hopefully they do again with that Obamacare horror in June.

The story, from CNN, for your consideration:

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Everyone is Irish today!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Time to leave...

After the horrific news of a lone US serviceman going on a nighttime rampage, killing sixteen civilians, nine of them children, it has become obvious it is time to leave. First, there was the inadvertent burning of the Koran that resulted in rioting that killed 30 people. Six US service people were shot by their supposed Afghan "comrades" after that incident.

Then came this tragedy. We may never know what happened completely but what we do know is bad enough. No one in Afghanistan will ever trust Americans again.

It has been 11 years since the United States invaded Afghanistan. The Afghan army still cannot operate on its own, Harmad Karzai clearly can't stand us and Osama Bib Laden, harbored, yes harbored, by our alleged ally Pakistan, is dead.

We have done all we can do. Afghanistan is, and always will be, a basket case.

Enough American blood and treasure has been spent. Tine to leave and no will think twice if any US soldiers spit on the ground as they leave. Let our armed forces personnel come home to their families.

What about Afghanistan?

Let the idiots kill each other.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Spring FORWARD, Fall BACK!

I could shout about gas prices and how Obama 2012 looks just like Bush 2008 but I am pretty sure you see enough of that.....

Daylight savings time approaches and the Sunday after is always fun as no one arrives anywhere on time and store open at wrong times and clocks are off for a week!

Remember....Spring FORWARD, Fall BACK!

Not too much happening right now as I am getting ready for the thesis defense and all the idiotic last minute stuff that happens but we are getting it taken care of. Inch by inch, foot by foot, yard by yard. That reminds me....

Why are we not using the metric system? All based on 10 and a lot easier to convert.

Kind of random post this week but I have a lot to do.

At least it keeps me off the streets!