Sunday, February 17, 2013

Stay Classy, LA

After watching the whole Chris Dorner episode unfold, I suddenly understand why Los Angeles is such a weird place----Its populated by insane people!

I don't know who was crazier--Dorner or the cops.  And not just the Los Angeles Police Department. The San Bernadino Sheriff Department seemed to be staffed by people who were not sure what planet they were on.  It might explain why, after nearly twenty years after Rodney King riots and federal supervision, why so much hatred and vitriol came out against the cops in SoCal.

Did they set the cabin on fire or didn't they?

Why were there over fifty (!) individual security details all around LA because of one crazy?  Who was watching South Central? And HOW do you mistake two Asian ladies in a pickup for one large guy in BDUs? They open fire and plant nearly a hundred rounds in the truck and shoot a fleeing old lady in the back?

The LAPD is clearly one of the most corrupt and incompetent organizations on the planet.  All those resources to chase down one guy?  And if he was so crazy, why did the LAPD bring him on board as a cop in the first place?

Did he know something they did not want everyone else to know?

Given the LAPD's reputation, it is kind of hard to shock anyone.

If the "Big One" ever hits Los Angeles and slides off into the Pacific, I don't think anyone is going to miss it.

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