Friday, June 7, 2013

Off the rails and off a cliff...

If you were wondering, that still, I believe, is from Back To The Future III.

It is also a pretty good description of what is happening to Hope and Change.

If lying about Benghazi was not bad enough, the government spying on the news organizations and the IRS scandal did not make things worse, now we have even more examples of the IRS spending other people's money like drunken sailors and even MORE government spying...

...on everyone.

The Guardian, a British newspaper, broke the story about the impossibly wide scope of National Security Agency spying on phone calls, internet usage, and phone records.  Notice the leakers did not go to an American newspaper.  This is completely insane.

Not to mention illegal, tyrannical, and utterly unnecessary.

How do you listen in on a hundred million phone calls?  Is it even possible?  Do you know how much this would cost?

Then the First Lady gets heckled by a Gay activist and Eric Holder makes the usual donkey's behind out of himself and you really wonder if you should hold on to American citizenship.

If there is one thing we have learned, it is this----the Tea Party was right all along.

Time to yank the chain on this government.

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