Sunday, July 14, 2013

Homeland Security Adrift

Janet Neopalito resigned from leading one of the most useless parts of the federal government--the Department of Homeland Security.

Fifteen of the forty-five leadership positions are now vacant.  We should make it forty-five for forty-five because the DHS does nothing.  Our borders are not secure, traveling by airlines is a complete nightmare and the average TSA agent is a mindless drone with an IQ of 45 who could not handle a threat of any kind, real or imagined. The Israelis, who live with a real terrorist threat everyday, handle it in stride without turning their much smaller and more vulnerable country into a mismanaged police state that spies on its own citizens and still cannot detect threats like the Boston Bombers even when the Russians give out warnings.

Shut it down.  It wastes money and accomplishes nothing.

And there is no one in charge of anything.

Like anyone would notice.

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