Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Operational Security--Ever hear of it?!

According to NBC, the United States will launch a military strike on Syria on Thursday.  Has anyone every heard of OPERATIONAL SECURITY?!

NBC goes on to state it will be "three days of strikes".

Are they sending the Syrians a target list too?

Of course, we know this is about raising oil prices.  This has nothing to do with the use of chemical weapons.  And possibly pull attention away from the multiplying number of scandals engulfing the White House.

The story below is for your consideration and/or disbelief


Monday, August 19, 2013

Civil War in Egypt?

Egypt appears to be spinning out of control and maybe into civil war.  The unrest has spread beyond Cairo and twenty-five police officers were ambushed in the Sinai.  This would make anything in Syria look like a walk in the park.

The oil sleazebags will probably use this as an excuse to raise oil prices, citing a threat to the Suez Canal.  The canal will be fine.  You can deflate that argument with four words --United States Sixth Fleet.  On the other hand, rational arguments do not seem to hold much water with fanatics, whether they wear turbans or suits. 

Now what does the US do about this?  I am not sure there is anything it can, or should, do.  Everything Washington gets mixed up in the Middle East, everything goes awry and the situation is worse than it was before.  That is the story with or without American involvement.  The Persians, Greeks, Romans, Byzantines, Abbasids, Mamelukes, and even Mongols found the region perplexing not to mention the more recent British and French adventures in the nineteenth and mid twentieth centuries.  The people living there probably can't figure it out either. It has been that way since 3500 BC and it is not changing anytime soon. 

Furthermore, the people on the ground in Egypt don't like Americans. Hillary Clinton found out when her car was pelted with moldy fruit.  They see the US as backing and keeping  Mubarak  in power all those years and the Egyptian people, however they feel about the Moslem Brotherhood, at least see them as Egyptian. 

I am worried that fears over the Suez Canal can drag the US into a Middle Eastern shootout quicker than anything in Syria.  Of course, the oil industry would love to see that.  So would defense contractors. 

And you wonder why aliens don't make contact with humanity.....

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Not this guy again....

The scary thing is that I would pick Anthony Weiner over Bloomberg for Mayor of New York.  The really scary thing is that this guy is running for mayor of the largest city in America...

Naturally, he is associated with the Clinton political machine, which might explain why this guy with an obsession with anything peverted. His wife, Huma, like her patron, Hillary Clinton, is playing the "stand by your man" card like its the Lewinsky scandal circa 1998.

If this is the best New York can do, maybe they deserve it.

Hopefully someone sane wins the race.....