Saturday, May 31, 2014

Two for one...

Eric Shinseki, former US Army Chief of Staff, and now former VA head, resigned in the wake of a growing scandal that has revealed the many problem of the Veterans Administration.  Aside from the horrible probability that at least 40 people have died waiting for treatment, there are reports that waiting lists have been fabricated to try and cover up more deaths. 

Part of Eric Shinseki's problem is that he spent his life in the military, where he gave orders and they were followed. In the anarchy that is civilian life, you are not even sure if the orders you issue are even heard.  That is why you follow up on things. "Fire and forget" never works.

Shinseki is lucky he is not going to jail.

Jay Carney clearly could not stomach spinning lies for the constant stream of scandals coming out of the Obama Administration.  He certainly gave his best effort, trying to restrict access and answering "I don't know" over and over.  Eventually, reporters started shouting over him and he figured it was time to go.

It is time for this entire administration to go.

Unfortunately, I don't know what will follow.

At least we have a couple of years to figure it out.

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