Thursday, November 27, 2014

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Not earthshaking but still pretty cool!

It won't change the world but it was still cool to hear that the University of Pittsburgh was putting cursive "script" back on the football helmet!

The block PITT looked OK and it was better than the "Dinocat" gracing Pitt's headgear from 1997-2004.  But nothing compares to the classic cursive Pitt.

Some clamored for a return to the old uniform but I like darker colors. 

The uniforms still have the block PITT on the neck part, which I like since it is like a link to history. I think they should put the "dinocat" on the sleeve but I am not complaining.

Go Pitt!

I might start watching college football more closely.

Now if only East Carolina stops wearing black and looking like the Baltimore Ravens......

Wednesday, November 5, 2014


The people are POed......

"Hope and Change" is a sad joke and the voters got mad. Even Democrats tacked their course rightward away from Obama.  It is pretty bad when your own party deserts you

Welcome to lame-duck status

All this talk about impeachment is premature though.It is not going to happen.

The Republicans have the next best thing: they have Obama reduced into irrelevance.

Back in 2010, the Republicans won a massive landslide election and proceeded to squander the advantage.  Will they do the same thing in 2014? Only time will tell.

About 65% of America thinks the country his headed in the wrong direction so patience is running thin.  The Republicans need to quickly determine if their vision has any appeal and if it has any value.

It is going to be an interesting two years