Sunday, February 8, 2015

Will Greece destroy the European Union?

New Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, of the leftist SYIRIZA party, has pledged to end the debt crisis Greece is suffering though.  He has basically flipped off the European Union and is demanding a restructure of debt.  He is ending austerity plans and threatening to leave the EU.

A Greek withdrawal seems the best option for everyone.  The EU can cut off a gangerious limb that has cost about $272 billion and Greece can go back to the drachma.  I still think they should pay that debt back though....eventually.

That leads to another question.  What happens if larger countries like Italy and Spain, all ready in trouble, run down the same path as Greece?  It would lead to a collapse of the EuroZone.

Will the fanatics in Brussels---and yes, they are fanatics, willing to watch the European Union contract?  It appears to be more dictatorial than it was a few years ago and trying to weld different countries together with coersive economic force is not going to work.

The European Union is looking more like the Soviet Union.  How did that work out?

Tell the EU to stay a free trade zone and work something out with Greece.

Or collapse.

Your call, Europe.

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