Sunday, March 8, 2015

Daylight Savings Time

Daylight Savings Time is a lot like the Wasted Week.  Everything is out of whack and nothing seems to go right.  We do get an extra hour of daylight, a nod to a time when 90% of Americans worked on farms and needed that extra hour.  I wish they would simply decide to stick to one set (?) of time hours and keep it that way.

Well, the weather has improved and Michelle and I went to Raleigh for the day.  We should have gone to the Discover Dinosaurs exhibit which also had an Ice Age display.  I was not about to shell out $23 a ticket.  Nonetheless commericals for it harrassed us all the way back home on the radio......LOL

Still a good day

Any day with Michelle is a good day! :-)

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