Sunday, November 29, 2015

Fly the Syrian skies....

Turkey shot down a Russian plane for a seventeen second violation of its airspace while claiming the Russian plane had been warned ten times......ten times in seventeen seconds?  Something sounds weird.

Meanwhile, a Russian plane strayed into Israeli airspace and the notoriously trigger-happy Israelis politely informed the Russians about the intrusion and everything was resolved peacefully.

That might explain why there will be Russian sanctions levied on Turkey and some Turkish ship or plane will meet with an "unfortunate" accident.

This underscores the need for a united campaign against ISIS.  If the US had any sort of meaningful strategy or leadership role, these incidents probably would not have happened.  If you want something done right, please don't give it to DC.....

In other news, the NSA electronic dragnet that has been ruled unconstitutional, not to mention illegal, is supposed to end today.  I hope the Supreme Court is on the ball and makes sure that the NSA does not hand the job off to their British counterparts at Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) to spy on Americans.

My advice to GCHQ is to (A) mind your own business and (B) worry about the Muslim terrorists wandering around free in your own country.

BTW, you are welcome for those World War things, courtesy not of the US federal government, but the American PEOPLE.

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