Thursday, January 7, 2016

Hand over your man card, NOW!

I have never seen a US President cry during a press conference.  That was ridiculous and only makes us look even dumber in the eyes of the world.  Worst of all, I cannot be sure it was contrived.

Every time I hear "its for the children", I become suspicious.  After that Clyde Bundy ranch standoff in 2014 and the conduct of federal agents before bring faced down, I don't think anyone is sure about a situation where only the US government is armed.

Do loopholes need to be closed?  Yes.

The answer to America's gun problem--and it is a problem--is not guns, but people running around with the.  Criminals will always find ways to break laws.  I don't see how you want to punish law-abiding citizens.  The border-line fanticism in which this administration seems to want to push gun control makes everyone--right and left--suspicious.

This policy change, according to the president, is about closing loopholes.  It is hard to beleive anything that comes out of DC though.  Take the Patriot Act.  How was that supposed to work?  Somehow, I cannot seem to find "quasi-police state" or "out of control NSA" in the language of the bill.  There are just too many examples of government abuse to believe anything they say.

On the other side of the coin, what does the constant rash of gun-violence say about American society?  Try to treat each other better and you diffuse most problems.  Start hiring and stop making people work full-time for part-time pay.  Do the job and keep office politics out of the workplace.  It's ridiculous and inefficent.  Control your kids. Go upside their head if you need too.

And learn to handle rejection.

The world is not always a nice place, but no need to go out of the way to make it worse.

Treat others as you would like to be treated yourself.

Thus endth the sermon....

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